How’s the situation with your roommate now? Understand they’d be upset as it means they’d have to replace you/more expensive for them. It’s not about being new, you can’t be ‘new’. That’s important. I think as it is today, the best thing art can do is make us aware we are looking at a world that is in flux. And connected, and letting people be hyper-aware of how connected they are to the Girls Travel 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. And how important it is, or what truth is in a photograph. Or even look at the work of Cindy Sherman. Whose portraits are both about her, her ideas of the world. And other people by being a performance that lasts for the duration of exposure.
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Please don’t take this as judgment because you obviously have your shit together. But I have to say. As someone who bought right before the last housing market crash. The idea of financing your down payment on credit cards is scary. It’s the common Girls Travel 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. If we take the photograph. The medium that is infinitely popular and commonplace today more than ever. We see how poorly it performs for this. My problem with Instagram, for example, is how it seems to promote and cultivate popularity around things that are obviously fake and not in the picture. And no, I totally get your question/judgment! The money from my 401k is on its way this week, so I’ll be able to pay off the credit cards very shortly.
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It is not an ideal situation at all, and it’s given my severe anxiety. The only saving grace is that other funds are coming in soon. Can’t say that it doesn’t keep me up at night, though! They all have this sameness and are Girls Travel 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. We’re only seeing one thing at a time, and we do take it for granted that what we see is what it is. If I started making fart noises in a band people wouldn’t be thinking about what music is and the importance we place on it. It’s really been awful! I turn off my camera when I eat because nobody wants to see that, but I inevitably get a call from my boss during that time. Thank you!! I’m telling her people on the internet think she’s cute.
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