Anyway, good luck Perfect Asians Are Not A Virus Racism Is Shirt. Your coworker sounds like a bit of a nightmare. Be polite with her, but don’t allow her to steamroller all over you. It’s not where I work. There is an absurd amount of bacteria under a ring after wearing it a whole day. This was exactly my take. Definitely NTA for her response to her colleague. But she’s wearing a ring at work and is too. If hygiene is a sufficient reason for OP to switch to wearing it on a necklace. I’m a research scientist by training and on more than one occasion had to go through the hazard waste to find colleagues’ rings that had come off inside gloves. In a clinical setting. It’s unlikely you’d be able to do that or possibly not know which bin to search even if she were able. Thank you for putting to words a feeling I always had as a kid.
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You’re a professional, take the damned ring off. Perfect Asians Are Not A Virus Racism Is Shirt it’s not worth me getting an infection so everyone can know you’re married/what college you went to! Basically a combination of Top Immaculate V13 Shirt. Bad genetics meant I had weak enamel. At that point it seemed no matter what I did I kept getting cavities and other damage. Eventually, as a young adult I gave up, I smoked, I drank, and my teeth slowly rotted. At a point, the constant pain was too much and I just had them all removed because I could afford that but not the almost 10k to keep my teeth. Honestly, I regret nothing. Took a bit to get properly fitting dentures but my mouth is never in pain and I can eat whatever I want. People I work with think it’s strange and has commented on the fact that I don’t wear a wedding ring at work.
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