But your conclusions on cost seem incorrect to me Perfect Frederic Club Shirt. Maybe you’ve said that as a joke, but I think this may well be literally true. Public opinion is very much influenced by science fiction. Case in point, I’m very much in favor of settling on the moon because I’ve read a really cool story about a relatively fresh moon colony (which is just getting into the stages where a significant part of the population actually grew up there rather than being immigrants). Was written fairly realistically, even if they definitely glossed over some details (in the story humans managed to construct a space elevator that was viable for regular cargo shipments to the moon, and they also managed to construct a pretty large dome that was strong enough to withstand impact from micro meteors). Science and engineering have gone hand in hand with science fiction since the 1610s when Johannes Kepler accompanied his new theory of “a force that moves the worlds” with a science fiction story featuring the first description of an accurate lunar transfer orbit. Fittingly, he titled it The Dream.
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The same happened 8 and 12 years. Why? Because of those Perfect Frederic Club Shirt high school students. And 8 years later they finish their masters (alongside the primary school students who were now finishing their degrees). It’s interesting looking at the popular sci-fi in the last few Hot Calrissians Star Wars Shirt. You see a drop in the hopeful shows that show a better future. Stargate for example showed that bad shit happens but there’s hope. The more recent shows seem to focus on post-apocalypse (zombies) or fear of science (Holy shit Eureka is nothing but science=disaster). I don’t know if it’s cause and effect or what but it was definitely disturbing looking back on it. People are looking for uplifting media in all formats with all the shit going on. I know authors are seeing that, with their “dark” series getting fewer readers than their “hopeful” series.
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