It’s a huge leap to go from “this Top First Of All Eat A Dick Shirt woman needs to work on her boundaries” to “she’s casing your ring, beware!”When you work in a medical field and no one should be wearing a ring at work, it is super unhygienic. The ring protects bacteria under it and no amount of handwashing and/or sanitizing is going to help. There is almost always a risk to meet a violent patient and if someone grabs you from the necklace you want to be able to get out. She shouldn’t take your ring to try it on! It’s unhygienic in the current pandemic situation but also it’s your engagement ring! You don’t pick up anyone’s stuff without asking. You were spot on with what you said and NTA she ITA. ! Or to grab your hand and try to take the ring off your finger !!!!!! Wow, that’s crossing so many lines!!!
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I’d be to leave the ring at home in its Top First Of All Eat A Dick Shirt box. When at work given you have to keep taking it off to frequently sanitize your hands. And you won’t be able to relax with this ring snatcher around. I work in a lab too so you guys are all making me so glad my spouse planned for that so my setting is low and smooth and had never gone through a glove. Definitely NTA. I can’t even imagine someone pulling that nonsense at work. Definitely NTA. That’s just a step away from HR-level harassment here. But Awesome Hate Is Not Normal Be Normal Shirt. I think she’s a little reactive but I think wedding rings are dumb so I probably am not the person to weigh in. The woman sounds rude and entitled though. Who just grabs someone’s stuff? No matter what it is.
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