When people are desperate they Awesome 40 Years Being Quarantine Edition November 1981 Shirt know that most will do anything when prompted—to be crystal clear: dictatorships, gangs, and terrorist organizations use the same tactics to herd their followers. It backfired. In the middle of the night, after Ron Johnson left, the Senate successfully voted on cutting the bill debate from 20 hours to 3. The net result is that the bill will actually move quicker due to RJ’s stunt. They are not sending their best people… or maybe they are. After all these years this will be the first bill he ever read past the title? It really seems the majority of Repulsicans don’t want to do anything except attack Democrats and stall anything that even smacks of doing the job they where elected to do? I hope people remember in the next election how they didn’t do a thing to help the people who elected them? Texas freeze over? Stimulus package? Health care? Infrastructure?
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Please bring back good clean coal, restrictive voting rights, Awesome 40 Years Being Quarantine Edition November 1981 Shirt do away with cancer causing windmills and don’t make us wear masks or get a virus shot! At last, social distancing he wearing me down I can’t have hookers pee on me! I tried calling Senator Moran today. His intern was so incredibly dismissive and rude – saying he can’t say which way Senator Moran will be voting today after this motion. What a bunch of losers. Of course this POS is going to vote no. What’s the point of any Senator at this point, they don’t care about their constituents – never have, never will. That’s because the corporations that bought and paid for Ron Johnson. The want their slave labor back at less. Than sustainable wages so they’re forced to work multiple jobs. The one thing more than anything they don’t want the working Man to have is free time on their hands to realize how their life and their system is and you know what this relief would do it would give people money to buy them the time to figure this shit out.
Other products: Hot And If Love Keeps Giving Me Lemons I’ll Just Mix ’Em In My Drink Shirt
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