Pay more to keep my fellow humans healthy Good Thomas Est Toujours En Retard Sauf Pour L Apero Shirt and happy, even if it means I end up making a little less in the long run. One major cause of stress for me is worrying about major medical conditions and the costs associated with them. I would gladly pay more money to reduce that stress. There’s also a lot of people that avoid going to the doctor because they know they can’t afford it. Because they avoid health issues for possible years at a time, by the time they do go to the doctor the issue might be significantly worse and more expensive to deal with. With universal health care, people would be much more likely to go get checkups on a regular basis or have minor issues checked. by the time they do go to the doctor the issue might be significantly worse and more expensive to deal with.
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A healthier population that isn’t burdened Good Thomas Est Toujours En Retard SaufPour L Apero Shirt with medical bills tends to lead to better overall happiness. Productivity, and less crime. Funny story on this: I knew something was wrong with me. But I did not have health insurance and not enough money to be able to pay the bills. So I just didn’t go to the doctor. Welp, that backfired. Apparently, when I was out and about running errands, I started seizing and passed out. Nice Seniors 2021 Pandemic Style Mask Toilet Paper Shirt incident caused by too much stress. So now I owe a copious amount of money. For the hospital, I can make small payments. But the ambulance bill reported me. by the time they do go to the doctor, the issue might be significantly worse and more expensive to deal with.
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